Domain subscriptions are priced per domain, not per seat. This means that a single payment of $100 USD per year will give Gold access to all users in your domain.
MindMup Gold Domain/Organizational subscriptions are only available to users of Google Apps/G Suite. Please authenticate with your Google domain sign-in to proceed.
If you did not close the Google sign in popup, your browser may be blocking Google Authentication from MindMup. This might be due to a third-party extension, or a recent browser update.
Your browser blocked Microsoft Authentication from MindMup. This might be due to a third-party extension, a network error or a recent browser update.
MindMup Gold Domain/Organizational subscriptions are only available to users of Google Apps/G Suite or Microsoft Office 365. Please authenticate with your Google domain or Microsoft Office 365 sign-in to proceed.
You can purchase a MindMup Gold domain subscription for .
Please agree to the MindMup Gold Terms of Service to proceed.
is not a Google Apps/G SuiteMicrosoft Office 365 user. Please Change Google idChange Microsoft id to a user that is linked to a domain.
You have access to a domain account for . .
In order to purchase a subscription for a different domain, please click on Change Google IdChange Microsoft Id to select a different user or contact us for information on how to renew the current subscription.
Thank you for purchasing an organisational subscription. All the users of now have access to MindMup Gold.
Also, please see the instructions for onboarding users.
You have signed in as . This user already has access to a personal account. Please change your Google idchange your Microsoft id to a domain administrator account or contact us for information on how to upgrade a personal account.
You have signed in as but has already been registered by someone else.
In order to proceed with the purchase, you have the following options:
Please complete the purchase on the original page or Contact us
You have signed in as but has already been registered by .
In order to proceed with the purchase, you have the following options:
Your browser blocked GoogleMicrosoft Authentication from MindMup. This might be due to a third-party extension, a network error or a recent browser update.
The MindMup Gold subscription server could not be reached. This could be caused by a mis-configured ad-blocker or browser privacy extension.
Please try again using your browser incognito mode to disable web extensions. If the problem persists, please contact us.
We were unable to complete the payment for the card details provided. Please try again after contacting your bank or card provider to find the reason that payment was declined.